The use by the Israelis of an AI system to ‘select’ targets, with a deliberate intent to destroy Gaza infrastructure and terrorise the population, and with casual acceptance of mass casualties perfectly illustrates your points.


As you have explained, fighting terror with more terror does not tend to end well for either party. Unless the more powerful party sets out to near enough eliminate the weaker party. As in Sri Lanka with the Tamils or Burma with the Rohinga. But that appears to be Israel’s intent in both Gaza and the West Bank.

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Absolutely right Robin. And that AI system is a sinister new development in modern warfare that I expect we'll be seeing a lot more of.

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People have got very agitated about autonomous weapons. What the Israelis are using is in effect autonomous. AI makes the decisions - humans just pull the triggers when told to by AI.

It also begs questions both about the data that the Israelis have gathered and used for the AI system to learn from, and the AI algorithm that they developed.

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