The knowledge vacuum in the brains of western commentators has been filled with Israeli propaganda and the bleatings of such organs as the Board of Deputies, the self-styled Voice of British Jewry, most concerned about how the recent events in Israel affect t the nerves of Jews in Britain.

Anyone with a knowledge of its history will know that Zionism has been, since its inception, racist, egged on by the the loathsome Lord Balfour, whose 1908 Aliens Act was designed to keep people like my grandparents out of Britain. I, for example have a right to 'return' as a citizen to a country I have never even visited and whose language I do not speak, on the basis that my forefather, Aaron, the brother of Moses lived there. Yes, really, I have the papers to prove it.

Thank you Matt for providing a voice of sanity and decency in a mad world.

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The LedbyDonkeys graphic just out says so much.


The hands of those who drop bombs on Palestinian civilians are hardly less clean than those who throw grenades and murder Israelis. When your friends and family are blown to pieces and your home destroyed, the hatred towards those who did it will be much the same, regardless of the method. The desire for revenge feeding ever more violence, and when the power imbalance is so extreme, the less powerful are reduced to the crudest of methods, which are inevitably judged more harshly.

Harari who often provides great insights, in this case has become just another Israeli refusing to accept any accountability for events, be they in the past like the Nakba, the endless attacks by settlers supported by Israeli forces, or the massive attacks we now see on Gaza and the civilian casualties and destruction. The language being used by Israeli spokespeople and their supporters is becoming positively Trumpian with references to the holocaust and blood libels. One might point out the parallels of settler attacks with the pogroms of the past, and of the endless blockade of Gaza with the Warsaw ghetto. Sins of the fathers...

Until Israelis accept their responsibilities nothing nothing will change and this will not happen under the Netanyahu government. The tiniest glimmer of hope comes from organisations like Jews for Justice for Palestinians and +972, who are prepared to challenge their government and fellow citizens. Their bravery and integrity is hugely admirable and needs supporting. However, it is hard to see any constructive interventions and pressure coming from the outside at the moment.

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And the book has just arrived. Suspect it may not be a fun read! But important.

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When even an IDF general describes the treatment of Palestinians as pogroms, and warns that it will end in Israeli fatalities. https://www.timesofisrael.com/settler-extremists-sowing-terror-huwara-riot-was-a-pogrom-top-general-says/.

And an Israeli think tank linked to Netanyahu looks for total ethnic cleansing as a final solution.


With Gazans having spent years blockaded in a ghetto.


All from Israeli sources.

Netanyahu and too many Israelis have themselves disgraced the memory of the appalling suffering of Jews in the past which led to the state of Israeli. Whilst ensuring that bitterness and terrorism will continue for another generation. What few friends they have left are now abandoning them as they turn themselves into a pariah state, whilst feeding the cancer of anti-semitism.

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Thank you Matt for that clear explanation of the circumstances and ongoing injustice and manipulation that has led to the present tragedy. Although tragedy is not the word to convey the horror and destruction being visited upon the population of this imprisoned, bombed and betrayed enclave.

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